National and International Membership
RWDO achieved membership of deferent forums. It is the member of following forum in both National and International.
- ALRD-Association for Land Reform and Development
- BSAF (Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum)
- BEN (Bangladesh ECD Network)
- BMSP (Bangladesh Manobadhikar Samonnoy Parishad)
- CAMPE (Campaign for Popular Education)
- CSRL & CGC (Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods & Center for Global Change)
- CDD (Center for Disability in Development)
- CSA for Sun (Civil Society Alliance foe Scaling Up Nutrition, Banglades)
- FNB (Federation of NGO’s in Bangladesh)
- GWP Secretariat-Global Water Partnership
- KF-Khan Foundation
- NEARS (Network for Ensuring Adolescents Reproductive Rights and Services)
- NAHAB (National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors, Bangladesh)
- NFOWD (National Forum of Organization Working with the Disabled)
- NUK (Naree Udduge Kendra)
- Nari Pakkha (Doorbar Network),
- NGO Forum for DWSS,
- STI/AIDS Network/ Secretariat of Bangladesh
- SPACE (Society for People’s Action’s in Change & Equity)
- SDF (Sylhet Disaster Forum)
- BWCCI -Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry